Monday, May 4, 2009


So aside from feeling like a bloated pin cushion, I'm doing well. I'm giving myself three different shots a day and taking a few pills at night. The shots aren't as bad as I was thinking. I've only had one major incident...[cue dramatic music and dim the lights]
It was early in the morning...
My husband and I were getting up to go to the temple.
I gave myself shot 1... check.
Shot 2...check.
Shot 3...check.
After shot 3, I went to put the needle into my sharps container...
Did I mention that it was 5:15am?
The needle slipped and scratched my thumb...(ouch)
I tried to grab it midair...(uh-oh)
It STABBED my thumb...(double ouch!)
Blood... (eww)
Small Scream...
Kisses and hugs from husband.
The End.


Ashley said...

wow i did that too. almost injected myself in my finger.

Hillary said...

I'm laughing so hard right now, because I did that too. What day did you start your stims?