Friday, September 18, 2009


I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I hate hearing when people accidently get pregnant or conceive practically on their honeymoon. Even worse, I hate telling people that we're finally expecting only to hear, "We're having BABY #485!" It shouldn't bother me. Maybe it's the complaining that I hear from them. Maybe it's the in-your-face attitude that it exudes. Or maybe it's just my bitterness that still gets to me.

I need to get over it. I thought that these feelings would go away once I actually did get pregnant. Instead, I feel more sensitive, if not borderline-defensive. I get upset not just for myself but for every other girl struggling through infertility.

Sometimes I think, "How do I get rid of these feelings?" Unfortunately, I frequently follow these thoughts with "I don't want to get rid of them". In reality, I need to be more forgiving to those whose struggles are hidden from me. I'm not good at that.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

For me, the issue is the reminder that everyone else can have baby #468, and we're going to be lucky to have just one more bringing our grand total to 2.

Having to face the ease that others seem to have in procreating is very hard and I'm sorry to tell you that it won't go away. It will come back and bite you in the butt every so often, so don't feel bad if you're not up for saying, "Oh, you're making it an even dozen? Well how NICE!"

We have a saying in our house:

"In the Rittman Home, we go for quality over quantity."

I may not have the five kids I wanted, but I wouldn't trade my amazing beautiful and special daughter for five average kids.

Congratulations on your daughter!!!