Friday, September 18, 2009


I know it shouldn't bother me but it does. I hate hearing when people accidently get pregnant or conceive practically on their honeymoon. Even worse, I hate telling people that we're finally expecting only to hear, "We're having BABY #485!" It shouldn't bother me. Maybe it's the complaining that I hear from them. Maybe it's the in-your-face attitude that it exudes. Or maybe it's just my bitterness that still gets to me.

I need to get over it. I thought that these feelings would go away once I actually did get pregnant. Instead, I feel more sensitive, if not borderline-defensive. I get upset not just for myself but for every other girl struggling through infertility.

Sometimes I think, "How do I get rid of these feelings?" Unfortunately, I frequently follow these thoughts with "I don't want to get rid of them". In reality, I need to be more forgiving to those whose struggles are hidden from me. I'm not good at that.